Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Things That Bring Meaning

I'd like to apologize...First to my wife, and second to anyone that read yesterdays ramble...I love my wife more than anything and yesterday was just a sore spot in my consciousness...I need to remember to be nice to her somedays otherwise people will think I hate her. And I lover her, she's my life my universe and my EVERYTHING!!!

What is it about Fall that makes me smile so much...As we walked to lunch yesterday and saw all the pumpkins and stuff outside of Albertson's it put a huge smile on my face.

It's thursday the only day of the week that's worse is tuesday, I have class tonight not looking forward to it, but I guess it could be worse! Just adds to already long day, I'm not looking for sympathy I mean I brought it upon myself, and I needed to get into school. I just wish it wasn't such a long class. It just seems to go on FOREVER.

My wife is a BIG fan of Yellowstone, we're hoping to go there next summer just before fall sememster starts, I hope it works out, I haven't been for a few years and I think it'll be fun, just need to get better about saving money. I wanna go to Wicked in the spring too, I've never seen it, and I'm sooo looking forward to it, which also means saving, I think we can do it. Just need to work hard!

The best part of the day is when Brooke and I have lunch together, I love spending time with her in the middle of the day. Makes me happy, and makes the day go better no matter how I'm feeling before, I love my baby girl more than anything!